Sunday, March 7, 2010

I wake up to the blaring music coming from my alarm clock. I thought to myself, I don't remember setting the alarm to 8:00 am? As I keep thinking I recall why I have set my alarm clock to 8:00 am. It was for my morning run, which I have not been following through with. This morning was going to be a change. I rushed to brush my teeth, scarf down a bowl of cereal and strawberries for breakfast and put on a pair of sweat pants with a tee shirt. After 10 minutes my new running shoes were no where to be found. I have looked everywhere; under my bed, in the trunk of my car and on the shoe rack. At last, I look in my closet and there is my brand new pair of Nike running shoes. I slowly tie the laces and walk outside. The sun is shining, the neighbors are gardening and best of all I am ready to run. I start off slow going up the hill and then I start to sprint. The morning breeze is slightly blowing my hair which motivates me to keep running. As I keep running I suddenly get fast as if someone was chasing me. An hour later, I return to my house. I am panting and gasping for air; this run has made me feel good about my myself. My tee shirt is clinging to my body because it is soaking with my sweat. Even though I look very untidy and smell strongly of sweat, I cant help but smile at my successful morning. This run makes me realize I need to get back into shape and exercise regularly.

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